Search Results | federal law enforcement in the united states

Your search for "federal law enforcement in the united states" returned 258 results

Can You Answer All of These Questions About Law Enforcement?

From peacekeeping and problem solving to maintaining law and order, the duties of law enforcement officials are as varied as they are tough. Whether you've served as a police officer or have simply watched a lot of "Cops," we challenge you to answer these questions about law enforcement!

Can You Answer These Random Questions About Law Enforcement?

Is your knowledge base at Joe Friday levels? Or are you more like Barney Fife? (Or maybe you don't watch enough cop shows to get what we're saying!) Our point is, take our quiz now, and find out how much you know about law enforcement!

How Much Do You Know About the History of Law Enforcement in the U.S.?

They protect and serve, they explore and defend, and they kick butt. This quiz is all about law enforcement in this country, and the men and women who make it happen. Put your hands behind your head.

Can a felon own a gun in the United States?

You may have wondered whether a felon can own a gun in the United States. Find out if a felon can own a gun in the U.S. at

Can the U.S. President Ever Declare Martial Law?

The U.S. has declared martial law in the past, but only sparingly and in dire situations. So, what would it take for the president to use it now?

How State Troopers Work

State troopers are associated with highway patrol, but their duties extend past the asphalt. Read about state troopers and state trooper investigations.

How Lemon Laws Work

How much do you know about Lemon Laws? Nobody wants to be stuck with an automotive lemon. Keep reading to learn about lemon laws.

How a State's Attorney Works

A state's attorney has a lot of responsibilities. Visit HowStuffWorks to learn all about a state's attorney.

10 Completely Archaic Laws Still on the Books

There are lots of weird, archaic laws on the books. Learn about some of the most bizarre and completely archaic laws still on the books.

How Narco States Work

Narco states are places where illegal drugs are openly traded with governmental approval. Learn all about narco states.

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